It is 17 degrees out and windy. And my heat is still not working. I usually love winter but this winter has been intense with not having a heater working for most of it and it has been any where from five degrees to twenty five degrees all week. My cats hate me. They …
Sometimes peoples stupidity just amazes me. Today I had to explain to a man the difference between a sheep and a goat. Because he thought they were the same animal. Than the same man was telling me how he’s pretty sure that a cat and a dog have been bred to make a new …
I wrote one hundred and eighty blogs in 2012. Sweet Jesus, how on earth did I have time to work more than forty hours a week and train for half marathons? In November alone, I entered a blog-a-thon where you had to blog every day of November; that was a huge challenge but I …
Life in a ski town means you try not to hate the tourists. You try every weekend as you sit in two hours of snowy traffic, praying to go faster than three miles an hour just for a few minutes. You try not to hate the cute little children who throw snow balls at …
Most people have parents who would be proud of them if they were a doctor or a lawyer or got a A+ on a test. In my family, things are a little different. My Dad is proud that none of his kids are in jail or on drugs. He has said this to us many …