The goal today was to run about six miles on the Pacific Crest Trail. Snow Flake and I had done ten miles at Holcomb Valley the day before and we were both pretty beat up. On top of that we had a late start to the morning. We did accomplish six miles along the creek …
Today I fell up a mountain. It takes a real talent to fall uphill but luckily, well I am a talented girl. I should point out the road we drove than ran up was incredibly icy. We off roaded up Pilque Canyon Road to this point where we parked the just detailed a …
Today I took Snow Flake on her first snow run. The road didn’t look to bad at first, just a little bit of snow on the abandoned dirt roads. Than we ran up a hill and around a corner and suddenly there was snow up to our knees in some spots. This was …
I think flatlanders are getting desperate in their snow play needs. Today when I began my run I saw an abandoned cat box in the snow play area. Yes, I truly believe some stupid, stupid person used this as a sled. What other reason would there be to have an abandoned cat box in …
This last week I received some absolutely shocking news. Someone I knew had committed a crime and had been arrested. This person, who I thought I knew, had a criminal history I knew nothing about and is now going to spend a lot of his youth in jail. He deserves this …