I do a lot of intense cooking with fifteen different ingredients and all kinds of goat cheeses. Some days I like to take just a simple pre made frozen meal and make it a little better and maybe a little healthier by adding more veggies. Have you tried Trader Joe’s frozen Kung Pao Chicken? …
Today might have been a Monday. I was running late. I guess it really was not that horribly late considering all I had to do before work at three was go for a run and drop off my grandma’s present for her eighty third birthday. Still, I was about an hour behind where I …
A typical day in my cat Zions life…. When the front door opens and I come home from work… “WHERE have you been all day? Mom! Mom! MOM! Look over here! NOW! Oh you want to ignore me? Lets see how much you can ignore THIS gassy cat!” Five minutes later “Oh! What is this …
I had such a gorgeous day off work running all over Big Bear. It was a awesome day off even if I was annoyed with myself for a while, as my phone battery died about ten miles into my run and I lost all mapping capabilities. High altitude cactus This was annoying …
I’m confused by the instructions on A to Z blogging in April so I’m posting my A blog for yesterday Sunday and also for today April First. I’ll be blogging six days a week in April for the blogging A-Z, yea. And back to the goat cheese.. Today I accidentally ran fifteen miles.packed with …