When the toilet vibrates something is wrong. I had just driven one third of the way home from my Eastern Sierras vacation. I had been up since five a.m. I ran ten miles in the mountains with a two thousand foot altitude gain and than hiked for a mile near Convict Lake. I was a bit tired …
I celebrated my birthday last week with some of the best friends a girl could ask for. Most “great birthdays” don’t begin with waking up at three a.m. but this one did. At three A.M. I left my mountain town and made a beeline for the Sierras where my friends had already set up …
I don’t know why I do such horrible things to my body. This morning my body consumed *1 coffee with cream *1 banana almond milk almond butter smoothie *1/2 a five hour energy *One bran muffin *One donuts So I pretty much had a big bowl of sugar and caffeine with bran sprinkled on top. …
Sometime I think I repress some memories of my childhood. The thought of slimy lettuce brought me back to 1989 and the summer of the Whopper. I was just thinking about the summer of ’89 the other day and eating frozen yet defrosted Whooper hamburgers st aright from the microwave for a whole summer. (My Dad’s …
I need to get out of this town! The restaurant across the street from me has had a broken fan for days and the noise is epically loud. It is making me crazy. I live in the forest because I like the peace and the quiet. I love the pine trees, the deserted trails …