Earlier in the week I had to take a break from gluten-free baking and roasting jalapenos to put on a fashion show for the kitty cats. Yes, this might just be day fifty of quarantine and have I lost it? Have I been locked inside our home mostly and our remote mountain community away from …
It was early February 2020 a chilly winter morning. I got up in the dark before the sunrise to go for a walk on the beach before work. Of course February Amber was not counting on her plantar fasciitis killing her once she put her toes in the sand. So instead of dipping my …
I don’t usually add pork rinds to a healthy salmon recipe but I don’t usually hike two thousand feet up to the top of a mountain with ten-foot snowdrifts without snowshoes either. So I guess there is a first time for everything. As in hiking until your cankles bleed because you decided to hike to …
Day sixty of this quarantined life and like so many people around the world I am so ready to get the hell out of my home and back to work. Before COVID-19 invaded our world like a deadly germy parasite, we used to dream of taking trips abroad and weeks away from work. We saved …
The first time I rode on a motorbike it was in tropical Goa India. And yes, I was almost forty years old. And yes, riding a motorbike behind my love on an Indian dirt road with no helmet was more than a little bit terrifying. Thank God we rode straight to Paradise Beach and then …