Clouds make me so happy . Random dog shit on the trail does not. This trail is used by horses and their riders quiet a bit and yes having to run through horse manure happens quiet frequently Manure doesn’t bother me as much, maybe because I love horses or maybe because horse shit …
Sometimes not have the ability to swim has its advantages. Like when multiple people ask me why I’m not doing Tough Mudder this weekend and I have a valid excuse “I can’t swim” because pulling my tired sore body through twenty military like obstacles over a course of ten miles looks a little to …
I know deep in that little brain of his Zion knows bees are bad, but well… His brain is little and he is a bored house cat.And there is a wasp nest in my back yard and bees are constantly getting in my house.I thought he learned his lesson last summer when he tried …
Mom’s Best Banana Bread, with some healthy changes Spell check just tried to “Help me change the original name of these bars from Chia Coconut Banana Bars” to “Chow Coconut Banana Bars”I would just like to say, no Chow’s were hurt in the making of these banana bars. 1/2 cup coconut oil1 1/2 cups sugar2 …
Apples from scratch… Try this with Wine Sap apple seeds! Sweet Potatoes Grow your own green onions and bean sprouts too! If you live DTH (Down the Hill) Grow Your Own Avocado tree! From the tipnut blog (That sounds dirty) Did you know that if you save the pit from an avocado, …