I need to learn to keep my hands to myself. Than maybe these awkward situations would not occur. Yesterday I bought a new car (Yea!) I also hugged a used car salesman way to many times. I’m really not a huggy person, but I got confused. Do I get confused in social situations …
Today I spent some time at the San Bernardino Subaru Dealership. This was a new dealership across the highway from where the old one was located in the lovely ghetto of San Bernardino. Seriously, we were almost accosted by a shirtless crack head on a bike causing me to scream “These people are to …
This salad is so good, I had it for breakfast yesterday. Okay, I had been up for an hour already and had already gone for as run so maybe I moved on from the breakfast portion of my day, but seriously, on a hot summer day this salad is crisp, fruity and unbelievably refreshing. …
This is a post about cats and not a post about embarrassing beach incidents, just to clarify. Because obviously I never have embarrassing beach incidents or embarrass myself publicly in other ways, like hugging used car salesmen, when clearly they are going in for a hand shake. But back to the cats. My gray …
I don’t have writers block I have runners block. June was a bad month training wise. I had a little incident the other day involving an angry black rattle snake and now I have a rattler phobia. Every noise, every tree branch, every flight of quail in the bushes makes my breath catch in my throat and my …