Next time I get the idea to date a vegetarian would someone please smack me in the neck? You know what frustrates me? Having to wash my hair before a date because it smells like bacon. I need to find a man who will love me for my bacon hair dammit! Further more I need …
It must be fall even though it’s only late August if Red Neck Mom is back at the corner bus stop screaming at the top of her lungs, smoking and cussing at her kids, right? That’s what I thought, and why I have ignored my sunny wood porch swings every day this week until today. …
I was perusing Craigslist this morning when I came across something special. Only in the 909 do people keep Bambi as a pet. I came across this ad I have a pure breed Saanen doe that I want to breed in August, so I’m looking for a purebreed buck to have her bred …
My best friend has been back in the States with me for four months. Since that cold February day, the sun has emerged and it is summer time at last. In the last four months I have watched her run after a truck that was taking her porta potty away while wailing “Nooo!!! Bring …
Yesterdays run was a complete fail. I admited defeat yesterday morning at five A.M. as I sat in my shiny new Subaru, willing myself not to puke all over the new car smell and trying not to pass out. Yesterday was an insanely busy day for me. I cleaned a house in Lake …