” The View from San Jacinto is the most sublime spectacle to be found anywhere on this earth” ~John Muir From my first ascent (Of many sure to come) of mighty San Jacinto Mountain last May. At the time this was the tallest mountain I had climbed at 10,834. The entire hike was over fourteen miles …
As soon as I reached the faire ground I tripped over five tree roots in a row and stubbed my big tow at least three times. I needed mead so that I could fly over these damn tree roots gracefully. The Southern California Renaissance Pleasure Faire used to be held in Devore, California, …
After running thirteen miles this afternoon on my day off I was completely exhausted. I was so tired I could barely drive home. I actually cancelled plans with friends because all I wanted to do when I got home was sit on my couch, watch movies, and try to enjoy my fancy beer without …
I had just fallen down a twenty foot snowy slope. Right after the fall I was still grasping my left hand, a little panicked that it might be broken but still hobbling slowly and carefully up hill. I don’t think I have ever hated switch backs like I did in that moment. Which …
“What the hell is Beaver Cheese?” Before Trav can even answer me I move on to my next and completely logical question “And who the hell milks the beavers?” ” And how the hell do you milk a beaver?!” If we …