“Babe! Did that pelican just eat a bird?” I am standing on the Oceanside Pier with my boyfriend, it’s a chilly partly sunny fall day and the pelicans are extremely friendly. And possibly way to hungry. It’s weird, and it’s Halloween today so maybe a little spooky? …
I grew up I’m a forest full of trees. My home was chock in the middle of the San Bernardino National Forest. My street emptied into fields of Live Oaks, Jeffrey Pines and cedar trees. Pussy Willows sprouted as weeds do, lush and every where along the trickling creek bed. I grew up hiking …
I’ve done a lot of embarrassing things in my life. I’ve farted on my chiropractor. I’ve ripped my ass out of my pants at work and not noticed until the end of my eight hour shift. Obviously at the end of my first half marathon I had …
There is nothing like two back to back days off, stuck in the mountains in the fall. Well I say I’m stranded on the mountain today but that is not incredibly true. Yesterday I drove the backside of highway 38 to meet Mary an hour and twenty …
There is one thing I miss here and now in 2014. No, it’s not VCRs or life before iPhones when we actually you know, talked to friends and family on the phone and didn’t live our lives through texting and face book. I miss Mexico. …