If you want to go to a place to resurrect your life and feel a-new again then the Eastern Sierra Mountains are that place. The jagged peaks and stunning wilderness Ansel Adams photographed and John Muir wrote essays about have a special place in my heart. I spend as much time as I can every …
Good morrow fellow countrymen! I truly did not mean to walk a 5K today my dear lords and ladies! But when you are adventuring to ye Olde Renaissance Pleasure Faire, well you have to roll with the punches (Or the jousting) If you are not having an adventure even just arriving at the Rennaisance Pleasure …
It’s been a long time since I limped around like an old donkey yet here I am again. I’ve decided to find my inner trail runner. She’s in here somewhere, hidden away for years between so much work, a new hobby of sourdough bread baking and betting on the ponies. This old donkey really needed …
Here we are it’s late August and my birthday is over. That means that it feels like fall in our mountain ski town here in southern California. I have a love-hate relationship with early fall as I sure I would love a Pumpkin Spiced Latte, especially if it’s my own healthy version, but I also …
Is it a cookie? Or is it a delicious and healthy breakfast sandwich? When it comes to that old favorite the peanut butter cookie I am beyond picky. I won’t usually buy them because I am just so particular about what a chewy moist peanut butter cookie should taste like. On the other hand, aside …