For someone who has lived in southern California her whole life, I am nowhere near an expert on what a tourist should do for fun in Los Angeles. If I had friends come to visit from around the world and they asked me what do tourists do in Los Angeles, I guess the obvious answer …
Do you have seasonal allergies? Thinking of getting an allergy shot? Do you love pain and side effects? Maybe you want to try local honey or bee pollen, the more natural solutions instead?
Kentucky Derby day means big hats, bourbon-laced drinks and betting on the ponies. Well, unless you are working trying to pick a few winners, make a few bucks and possibly hit that million dollars late Pick 4 at Churchhill Downs, then you may have to skip the Bourbon part. This Kentucky Derby day found me …
It’s just a few days until the 144th Kentucky Derby and I can’t wait! I have all the ingredients to make a bad ass Kentucky Derby hat and now I just need the time to turn my two dollar thrift store hat into the bluegrass hat of my dreams. If I could get home to …
Hong Kong to me was fishing villages and tint apartments and some pretty bland Chinese food. It was also incredibly fresh seafood, lots of crab and lobster, a land without napkins and getting yelled at by taxi drivers who didn’t care that we did not speak Chinese. A week in Hong Kong meant checking out …