I can’t recall how many early mornings I’ve found myself lacing up my running shoes in the dark and pounding out miles of alpine trails before the sun even came up. I have literally almost run into sleepy Black Bears on our trails through the wilderness, as the sun was just beginning to rise over …
Late July 2018. I woke up early, poured some coffee in my mouth and before you could say, wagbag, I was out the door, in the car and driving towards the trailhead. Barely after dawn in the mountains of Southern California, I made my way up the steep trail in the morning light, heavy pack …
How many mountains do I need to run up this week in order to eat as many protein bowls as I want? What if I start at sunrise and get in a two thousand calorie workout before work? The horses at work don’t care if I take a wet wipe sponge bath in the parking …
This morning I woke up walking like an old cowboy who rode way to many hours the day before. I love my job in the horse racing industry with an unbelievable passion but yesterday at work every step I took up our three-story grandstand made my thighs burn terribly bad. (Oh look, according to my …
It’s Januray 1st, 2018 and you just finished all the Christmas cookies. As you sit on the couch watching the Tournament of Roses Parade live from sunny Pasadena, California you look down at your roll of belly fat and think to yourself, good lord how did this happen to me? I should really go for …