I made this last night after a hike up a mountain side in Big Bear yesterday. It was a foggy rainy day and Big Bear Lake was frozen and looked like glass in the distance as hiked near a muddy peak.Shepherd’s Pie1 1/2 cup beef stew meat, cut into chunks1 tab wheat flour1 tab …
Life in a ski town means you try not to hate the tourists. You try every weekend as you sit in two hours of snowy traffic, praying to go faster than three miles an hour just for a few minutes. You try not to hate the cute little children who throw snow balls at …
I ran Glory Ridge on a snowy November morning last week. It was such a gorgeous morning run. All the pines were still covered in snow on the hilltops up near Butler’s Peak. We only got a couple of inches of snow, but it was enough to make the mountains so pretty on …
This morning while I was out in the woods trying to knock out a quick three mile run before hitting the road for Big Bear Lake, I believe there was a break in at my cabin. Now nothing was taken, but there was some destruction. Some one opened up the cupboards and chewed up …
? ? Big Bear Lake, sunrise ? ? Its really been a productive week, mainly because while working five days a week right now I’ve been getting up at five everyday to enjoy the fun stuff and this gorgeous springtime weather. The views at this time of year are spectacular and there’s plenty to see …