Today is the day. Did you get out and vote? Here in our mountain town of Big Bear Lake, I can’t recall a time when our residents were more divided on social issues. Part of that is because of Measure O in Big Bear Lake. Measure O hopes to limit the number of vacation rentals …
I used to love this town and this mountain and this alpine village of ours under the Jeffrey pines. But that was before the global pandemic ruined the town of Big Bear Lake. That was way before all this completely normal to us locals now in 2022, Big Bear Lake short-term rental drama. Maybe I …
I hate when life gets in the way of snowshoeing. What I really want to do is spend my days out trekking trails deep in the woods with man’s best friend and a delicious keto lunch packed in my backpack. While keto lasagna is not convenient to pack for a hiking trail lunch, it is …
I grew up in a mountain forest building snow forts and eight-foot-tall snowmen. When I was a kid, well no, we didn’t walk to school six miles uphill both ways but we often trudge through two feet of snow in hand-me-down snow pants to get to the local bus stop. Snow play in Big Bear …
It was hot as hell in August of 1999 as I sat in my ancient pickup truck with the summer southern California sun beating down on me. I had sweat pouring down my back as I sat in my filthy 1985 pickup truck and I prayed, once again my Dodge truck would get me home …