This small mountain town may just be two hours from the Los Angeles suburbs but man do we have some world-class snowshoe locations, December through March. Do you love a snowy wilderness the way that I do? Plan a snowshoe Big Bear Lake hike today! In some winters, It may seem like the mountain communities …
When it comes to the wilderness of Big Bear Lake one of the best ways to explore the backcountry is in a Jeep. But perhaps you don’t want to spend 60K on a vehicle that gets eighteen miles to the gallon. You might be happy driving your Tesla and not paying almost five dollars a …
I’m always the first to say it “I can’t wait for fall” The oranges, yellows and reds of the Big Bear Valley make late September into October my favorite time of year in Big Bear Lake. This year is nothing but nothing but frustrating for this autumn lover. Due to the ongoing effects of the …
As a always hungry foodie summertime can be a frustrating season. Man, I could go for a hot slice of cornbread with honey right now. But alas I won’t be baking cornbread until the fall when I get brave enough to turn my oven on again. The dog days of summer are not a great …
When it comes to camping, everybody has to start somewhere. Usually, there are hijinks involved, bears break into coolers and someone always freezes their ass off. I’ve camped with a lot of newbie campers. Yes, they are usually the first ones to not listen and have the bears eat all their food the first night. …