If my pets were as clumsy and accident-prone as I was, then hell yeah, I would get pet insurance for all of them. The rescue dog, however, is the athletic maniac who chews on donkey bones and runs fifteen miles every day in a land where we have cactus and rattlesnakes. That bitch needs pet insurance!
Really though, thankfully my rescue dog is not as accident prone as I tend to be. I have no idea how I hurt my back a few weeks back. Perhaps it was when I was aggressively doing the Trump dance on January 20th. What is MABGA? No its not what you think it is. Lord help me, posting about MAGBA on the FB won’t get me canceled or thrown into Facebook jail again. MAGBA would be Make Amber’s Back Great Again.
I mean maybe I threw out my back aggressively dancing with wild burros as we made our way back from the bar and karaoke the other evening. I could have also thrown out my back belting out 9 to 5 by Dolly Parton, my go-to karaoke song. With my lifestyle and my accident prone-ness, there are multiple ways I could have hurt myself.
Suppose my menagerie of pets were all as clumsy as me then hell yeah, I would get pet insurance for all these furry assholes! As a hiker who identifies as accident-prone, I feel like I’m always nursing injuries. Luckily, these days, my pets are very healthy even with the occasional donkey leg snacks.
A pup who enjoys the most organic pet treats
Sometimes I let my pup play with Burro Chew Toys, AKA donkey legs she finds in the forest. I mean does it get more organic than this? An adventure pup who sniffs out an organic donkey leg chew toy? It’s definitely not chock full of BPA’s like all those Petco dog toys! I like to let my pup live her best life in the wintertime. Sometimes that means carrying a donkey hoof in her mouth for the entire four-mile hike.
My favorite pup is always having adventures. Sometimes those shenanigans are fun times and sometimes they are stressful as a pet owner. Sometimes my dog wants to play with smelly forest dogs (AKA coyotes) Read all about surviving a coyote attack here! And yes, pet insurance covers animal attacks!
Where we hike, we have cactus, we have rattlesnakes (In the summertime) We have burro poop (That I tell her she can not eat) We have a lot of different ways an adventure dog could get hurt. Thank God for pet insurance.
My pup is athletic. She joins me by my side, mountain biking in the springtime and snowshoeing in the winter. It’s not unheard of for her to run fifteen miles next to me on the mountain bike. Doggy meniscus injuries are a real thing. Here in California, our vet bills (Like everything else in California) are crazy high. In Florida, if my pup tore her meniscus it would be a thousand-dollar surgery. Here in California, if she tore her meniscus, it would be a three thousand dollar vet bill. We live in a state where eggs are nine dollars a dozen right now; Imagine how inflated our veterinary prices are for even a minor surgery! My adventure pup is known to get into trouble. Sooner or later I’m sure I will be making a claim through our pet insurance policy. I mean just this morning, I had to yell at her again, to stop eating donkey poop on our hike!
When to purchase pet insurance
The rule with pet insurance is to purchase it when your pet is young (Under three years old) before they have any underlying conditions. When I purchased pet insurance through Pet’s Best because they are billing me annually, I paid only $24 a month. When you look at the pros and cons of purchasing pet insurance, most people pay over $24 a month just on Starbucks every month! How can you not invest in pet insurance?
Here in our household, I’m not exactly a Starbucks addict but we do like our fancy foods. $24 is basically one leg of lamb! I tend to buy at least two legs of lambs a month. Purchasing pet insurance for our adventure pup while she was young just seemed to make sense.
Which pet insurance is right for your dog?
There are a lot of different companies out there that offer pet insurance. A local retired veterinarian I know recommended Pet’s Best to me. They seem to have a great rate that covers everything I’m concerned about. My veterinarian takes them, even though I live in a rural area. They cover cancer concerns (As my pet ages) and they cover rattlesnake incidents. (I live in an area where rattlesnake bites are my greatest concern)
We looked at purchasing pet insurance through Geico, which contracts out with Embrace. Embrace does not offer lifetime benefits for your pet. They also have an upper age limit. Plus, they were almost twice the price as Pet’s Best!
Is pet insurance worth it for cats?
I have been loved by a lot of cats in my lifetime. In all my years of being a cat owner my feline veterinary bills have been few and far between. I had no cat veterinary stories whatsoever until we adopted Leo, a tiny little bundle of fur and love and possibly Feline Herpes Virus. Leo taught me why you should never, ever adopt a cat from a poorly run cat sanctuary where none of the cats are vaccinated. It’s a great way for all of the cats to have missing eyes or eye infections from the Feline Herpes Virus. But these days, Leo is the most unique little twenty-five-pound Norwegian Forest Cat I have ever met. Although we spent close to three grand on vet bills the first two weeks he came into our lives, I wouldn’t take it back for anything. Now he is a 4-year-old, very healthy bundle of joy and yes lots of fur. Leo taught us how stressful it can truly be to have a sickly pet and I would not wish that on anyone.
Back in the day when Little Leo was struggling to just live, when he was on the road to recovery, of course, all the animals in our household (And me, I’m the biggest animal of them all) came down with worms. Of course, we did! But still, saying all this, cats, especially indoor cats, are usually pretty healthy until they get old and get kidney problems. (And this is why all the cats get extra water mixed into their wet cat food)
Let’s face it, we all love our pets way too much. Some of us talk about them more than our kids! And don’t get me started on just how many photos and videos I have on my phone of the cats and the dog. (It is seriously embarrassing) We want to take care of them and give them the medical help they deserve especially as they get older.
So what do you think? Is pet insurance right for your furry family?