I’m siting in my gamblers paradise (Aptly named by a friend of mine) this morning, watching TVG (Horse racing T.V. Supreme) and the big news story this morning is trying to get all the United States race tracks to start recording their coverage in high definition. According to TVG there are about …
View from the top of Keller’s Today’s rant is brought to you by the letter D, as in Dog Shit. As in people in our local mountains tend to kind of be ass holes, as I discovered on this mornings at Kellers Peak. A gorgeous crisp morning …
Even though it is now late September I’m holding on to summer desperately. Okay well kind of. I did make spaghetti squash today, a food very fall like in nature, but dammit, I also went to the lake one last time! As I did my P90X this morning, I realized it was very, …
After a day of risking my life in a dangerous hiking situation, I need pizza, and I don’t mean Domino’s. I need fancy mountain pizza. And yes, I will be making it on the bar B Q. Sounds not to complicated, right? Except I left the pizza dough in my locker at work, so even …
Yesterday my feet dangled over the edge of a sheer cliff drop off. I held onto a rope I found wedged between two boulders, and then using all those fine tuned P90X muscles, I pulled my legs up over the edge of the giant boulder, praying the frayed rope wouldn’t give out, dropping me …