Last time I made these I was not paying attention while shopping. I saw pork chops, they were on sale, I did not notice at all that they were bone in. If you buy the boneless ones they are way less messy. Serve these with mashed potatoes and Coconut ZucchiniBacon wrapped Pork Chops4 thin …
The parade of law enforcement vehicles driving up our mountain highways this morning is endless. Every time I look out my windows at the highway, well, I see the snow falling down, but it also seems like every time I look out the window I see more CHP or Sheriffs or green and white law …
I hear sirens going by my cabin all the time. My cabin sits right above the highway that connects the Big Bear valley to San Bernardino and the rest of Southern California. Accidents are common on snowy mountain roads. Kids sledding into the highway, well it happens more often than you would think in …
It was never a life long goal to run to the top of Keller’s Peak. I have spent many a summer evening camping at Keller’s, roasting marshmallows over a camp fire, climbing over its huge granite boulders, watching the sunsets over the valley below and driving the long twisting road to the top. …
All my life I have been a member of a very small church. I’ve always supported the church in the form of donations. This has got a lot easier recently as you can simply text a number rather than dump your lose change into a bowl! Go to learn more about this! The small …