Although I live an hour from the date center of California, scenic Indio, home to date trees and lots and lots of meth, I had never had a date before a week ago. I have seen Date Shakes on menus of Southern California shake shacks for years and yet never tried one. I have …
I’m sitting on my heating pad… Yes, I am sitting on my heating pad again. It seems like a bad joke one runner would ask another “How do you know if you ran to far today?” “Because you spend the evening sitting on a heating pad” I ran fourteen miles today, seven of that up …
Every time I run Keller’s Peak Road I expect it to be less snowy than it actually is. Every thing is fine, dry pavement and dry Asic running shoes, than I will come around a corner and discover this. Snow. Lots and lots of snow. I need a back pack that is big enough for …
I totally had my heart set on doing a four mile pavement run this morning. I found out the other day that about three miles of my upcoming race in March are on the pavement so I need to get my calves in better shape for the pavement running which has been harder on …
Ten minutes in Las Vegas and I have seen two old men in over alls. Hmm something is up. This is not normal, even in Las Vegas where not normal is the norm. I mean sure it might be normal to see bearded confederate flag waving hicks dressed head to toe in Nascar paraphernalia in …