I’m a giant horse racing fan and I always will be. I love watching it, being around it, and betting on some of my favorite horses using websites for Online Betting Thailand, USA, England, and many other countries that I avidly watch the sport. I think horse racing is massively underrated and is treated unequally …
I try so hard to live my life as healthy as I can (Without subtracting to many beers or margaritas) and still the health problems I encounter seem to add up and up. Last week I found out I have asthma. This was not extremely surprising to me as last summer an ex boyfriend …
My love of running in the summer time means waking up at five A.M. It means climbing out of my bed sheets and over two very angry felines, strapping on my running shoes and yanking on a sports bra in the dark. It means grabbing my head lamp as the front door slams behind …
This recipe was inspired by the following blog.http://damndelicious.net/post/45740178320/hawaiian-bbq-chicken-taquitos I wanted to make a healthier version, hence no deep frying, just a little coconut oil. Also I was feeling lazy, therefore made them into quesadillas and not flatus. Stacking is some how far easier than rolling. Also everything tastes better when you dip it in jalapeno jelly.Pineapple …
There is nothing like a sultry summer evening with friends drinking microbrews and eating things covered in bacon and deep fried at the fair. (How upset was I that we missed BaconFest by one weekend?!) One of the best parts of summer is all over the United States little country fairs are happening in …