Sometime I think I repress some memories of my childhood. The thought of slimy lettuce brought me back to 1989 and the summer of the Whopper. I was just thinking about the summer of ’89 the other day and eating frozen yet defrosted Whooper hamburgers st aright from the microwave for a whole summer. (My Dad’s …
I need to get out of this town! The restaurant across the street from me has had a broken fan for days and the noise is epically loud. It is making me crazy. I live in the forest because I like the peace and the quiet. I love the pine trees, the deserted trails …
I would never suggest off roading when you have a bladder infection. In fact, if your friend rents an awesome Dodge Ram pickup and then picks you up TO GO OFFROADING, you should probably tell a said friend of said bladder infection. Yes, this happened to me. Okay, not to me. To Jenn. I was …
Every one always asks me how do I live this mountain life? How do I deal with the snow and the fires, and the fire storm evacuations and the bears and the cougars? The same way they deal with the smog, the heat and the gansta’s in the valley below me. I love my mountain life …
This has been my favorite low calorie drink for about six months now. It’s perfect for Vegas or the beach, when you want to drink and yet still look great in that bikini! Low Calorie Citrus Martini1 shot vodka1/2 cup citrus Blue Italy sparkling Water1 tab lemon or grapefruit juiceice