On the third day of my vacation we had plans to do a five mile round trip hike to Parker Lake to fish at the lake hidden deep in the Ansel Adams Wilderness. It was going to be awesome! We were going to catch so many feisty native trout! Sure it would be a …
It is the first few weeks of August and it feels like autumn in my little mountain town. As much as I love autumn, fall leaves, pumpkins and baking I am just not done with summer yet. I want one more dip in my favorite swimming hole. I want to sit on a beach …
When the toilet vibrates something is wrong. I had just driven one third of the way home from my Eastern Sierras vacation. I had been up since five a.m. I ran ten miles in the mountains with a two thousand foot altitude gain and than hiked for a mile near Convict Lake. I was a bit tired …
I celebrated my birthday last week with some of the best friends a girl could ask for. Most “great birthdays” don’t begin with waking up at three a.m. but this one did. At three A.M. I left my mountain town and made a beeline for the Sierras where my friends had already set up …
I don’t know why I do such horrible things to my body. This morning my body consumed *1 coffee with cream *1 banana almond milk almond butter smoothie *1/2 a five hour energy *One bran muffin *One donuts So I pretty much had a big bowl of sugar and caffeine with bran sprinkled on top. …