It’s summertime here in the mountains of southern California. As I spent these few months training to climb the tallest mountain in the continental United States, Mt Whitney, you had better believe that I spent a lot of time sweating. Most days the pup and I try to go for at least a five-mile run/hike. If it’s over seventy degrees you better believe I complain about the heat.
The pandemic is over and I don’t know why people at the grocery store can’t continue standing six feet away from me. Do I wear natural deodorant to encourage them to stay six feet away from me after I have run ten miles in the hot mountain sun? Perhaps. Or maybe I just care about my health.
Why natural deodorant? Are you a woman who is interested in not getting breast cancer or Alzheimer’s as you age? Aluminum is not what you want to be spreading on your pits! The wonders of natural deodorant can help you live a full and healthy life.
All those rumors about just why antiperspirants lead to breast cancer are attributed to the armpits being nicked when shaving and the aluminum is sucked up into your skin. So I guess if you are a smelly hippie girl who does not care to shave those pits, feel free to use Secret or Degree. But if you are just a little classy like me (Isn’t that what this big-ass cowboy hat says?) you may want to think about switching to a natural deodorant.
One in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime, according to WebMD. I don’t want to be number eight. Of course, they also say that limiting alcohol content can reduce your risk of breast cancer but who can say no to a Keto Margarita in the summer months?
I guess what I’m saying is I’ll smell like a lavender pit-whipped hippie in the summer months while sipping on a low-sugar margarita rather then take my chances with my health. A 24-hour man may need a 24-hour deodorant but a natural and healthy woman may not believe in all that bullshit.
People like me who are at high risk for Kidney disease should also use natural deodorants as our kidneys work so much harder than most people’s and it is even harder for us to process all that unnatural aluminum in Degree deodorant.
I try every day of my life to live a healthy lifestyle. I hike as many miles as I can fit into a day. I mountain bike when I can. I eat as healthy as I can, trying to avoid gluten and carbs as much as possible. And yes, I have used natural deodorant for the past fifteen years. I want to live to be one hundred. And I want to be healthy and still hiking or maybe even staining the porch, like my ninety-year-old grandma.
Here we are early summertime in Big Bear Lake and we have bugs! What? Big Bear is well known for not getting mosquitos, ticks and other creepy crawlies. For six months out of the year, I host Jeep tours and hikes to Bluff Lake Preserve, the prettiest place in Big Bear Lake and probably southern California. It’s hard to believe some summer days that this is not southern California. Especially this week when the flies are absolutely devouring me! I have Jeep tours to Bluff Lake booked every day this bug-filled week. So that means I have given in and taken to covering my skin one hundred percent even though it’s an upstate New York kind of eighty-five degrees and humid this week. Am I sweaty? Good Lord yes!
Salt and Stone Natural Deodorant
I’m quite sure I smell like I’m wearing natural deodorant this week. Weeks where I spend most of my day outside trekking trails and sweating in the hot summer sun, you better bet I need more than just a swipe of deodorant under my pits. Thank the Lord this summer I discovered Salt and Stone Natual Deodorant on Amazon! I seriously love the seaweed smell? I mean, I guess seaweed is the fragrance along with Santal and Vetiver. I honestly have no idea what those two words mean but this makes me smell so great through my hiking day at work. I feel like this is kind of an omni-scent. According to the website description, the actual scent of this is Australian sandalwood, mate, cedar, vetiver (Seriously, what the hell is vetiver) and cardamom.

I may not understand the scent combinations for this natural deodorant but I do love that this is made without aluminum, alcohol parabens and phthalates and other things I can not pronounce. And it’s chick full of probiotics because your pits also don’t want to gurgle like my stomach does when I forget to take my probiotics. Salt and Stone is also chock full of antioxidants that shield against anti-aging, because who wants grandma’s armpits?
Cleo & Coco Natural Deoderant
I first bought one of these natural ingredients on sale at Marshall’s a few years ago. It has a great Lavender and vanilla scent, which totally helps cover up the smell of this dirty hippie hiker on a ninety-three-degree day when I just hiked ten miles. The main ingredient in this is charcoal, which is a great natural way to cover up scents, or barbeque. They also offer a grapefruit option. The ingredients are pretty damn natural; magnesium and baking soda are the other two ingredients.
Donna Karen Cashmere Mist Natural Deodorant
Sweet Jesus, do I hate this scent? It smelled like baby powder. Okay, some of y’all may love the smell of baby powder but my pits do not need to smell like a newborn. Nope. This one I returned to Amazon.
Lavanilla Natural Deoderant
I love that this one comes in so many different scents. Many of them have vanilla in them. I personally love the vanilla grapefruit scent. Yes, this is pricy but it’s one of the very best on the market. You can also purchase this one at Target.
Native Deoderants

Native seems to be the trendy natural deodorant these days. You can even buy it at Target! I never imagined fifteen years ago when I was the only person in my friend group to use a Diva Cup or natural deodorant, one day you would be able to buy these things at Target. (I mean I never imagined Donald Trump would be president either!)
But seriously can we talk about the fact that there is a peanut butter scent? Seriously 2024, we live in a crazy world but who wants their pits to smell like peanut butter? I prefer the grapefruit scent or black oak and Amber.
When you are this sweaty not any natural deodorant will do. When you are the kind of outdoor adventurer who runs ten miles a day you need the creme de le creme of natural deodorants. Sure, they may be pricy. Sure they may not work as well as all those chemical and aluminum full deodorants but isn’t your health worth it?