Here it is January 2025 and who can afford to buy steak, chicken or eggs, especially here in California? Our groceries are at an all-time high here in Southern California. Luckily you can create this easy South Indian Curry with simple inexpensive ingredients like ground goat, spices, potatoes and onions. Our family has taken to …
We were cruising down Highway 99 towards Delhi in our thirty-four-foot caravan. It was one hundred and five degrees outside the doors of our Fleetwood rig as we approached Delhi. Delhi? Did I read that right? (Insert Indian nod here) The Indian food lover in me was intrigued. The sweaty camper in me was hot …
Here we are sneaking into 2024 at last and just what the hell is wrong with my body this year? According to a recent check-up, yup, now I’m anemic on top of all my other woes. January is always the time of the year to make New Year’s resolutions; As in eating more iron-rich liver. …
I never expected to be having Butter Chicken for breakfast in the prairie lands of northern Texas. But Texas can be a surprising place. Eight weeks on the highways, byways and I-whatevers of America taught me that I know nothing about this great country of ours. I had no idea what state had the worst …
Is there anything better than going on a fifteen-mile ass-kicking hike than having your sexy Indian boyfriend prepare you a south Indian Karnataka dish like Chicken Ghee roast? As you sweat up those mountain passes, calves burning, sweat dripping into your sports bra know there is some cold rose in the motorhome camp back in …