Biking twenty miles in a day might seem a bit rough but if you fuel your body with the correct foods, like protein filled Banana Pancakes, you too can be ready to kick ass at mountain biking! There are some days that I don’t feel like I can bike three miles. My body feels sluggish …
When you spend as much time as I do in the kitchen coming up with the latest and greatest healthy recipes, kitchen toys are a must. I have spent a lot of time perfecting my kitchen, getting the right appliances like a good faucet (check out these kitchen faucets if you need a good one) …
I’m starting to get to the point where if I have an accident while enjoying nature it’s not a big deal if I can’t see a bone sticking out of my leg. You know when you have your days when you say to yourself, if I survive this hike hell yes I’m eating carbs when …
“Sandwich!!! Sandwich!!!” I’m chasing my dog down a mountain trail and it sounds like I’m confused if she is actually a dog or a Sriracha Tuna Sandwich. I’m yelling these words frantically at her as I race down the mountain after this little hooligan and run as fast as my tired hikers legs will carry …
On a snowy afternoon in a mountain ski town you need a warm or maybe even medium spicy meal to invigorate your senses. Indian food is the absolute best thing on a snowy winters day. Plain rice is fine with any great spicy Indian meal but my take on plain rice, Coconut Chutney Rice with …