“Has anyone seen my lungi?” There is clothing scattered all over our beachside cottage, toiletry bags overflowing with sunscreen and hand sanitizer in our cramped bathroom and I can’t seem to find my boyfriend’s lungi anywhere. How the hell does a traveler lose a lungi in a room the size of a shoebox? You may …
The year 2020 has dawned with snow glittering like diamonds in our pine forests as I hauled my fat ass up mountain passes and through the snowy forest. I was a sweaty mess and trying desperately to get back into shape. It was the very beginning of 2020 and I knew keto was going to …
I used to buy store-bought curry powder like everyone else. Hell, I have even purchased store-bought curry sauce once or twice. But that was before I got myself a hot Indian boyfriend. And beyond being hot, he also brought some amazing Anglo-Indian inspired cooking skills to my mountain table. Like teaching me that Indian food …
Here it is almost 2020, four years after I almost blew a gasket in the jungles of Tamil Nadu, India and in just a few short days we will be headed back out of Bangalore and south to the foothills of the Nilgiri’s and back to the jungle! Of all the adventures we had four …
Happy holidays from the Hungry Mountaineer! It’s thirty degrees outside our mountain town at almost seven thousand feet. The winds are gusting, the sky is a steel grey and there is a storm brewing on the horizon. Feet of snow are expected but not for our family, as we are leaving on a jet …