Most people right now are very paranoid about the Coronavirus. Some individuals have just now learned, at thirties years old that yes, you have to wash your hands. Even more folks are flocking to Costco to drain the shelves of toilet paper and cases of water. Who doesn’t have a water filter on their sink? …
Every perfect spring morning should start with the smell of bacon filling your kitchen. Some people think that fresh morning rain or the smell of wildflowers means spring is finally here. No. Those people are wrong. Really spring has dawned bright when you can sit out on your patio furniture in the morning sunshine, not …
It’s that time of year where I basically want to add Meyer lemons to everything. Meyer lemons, a hybrid of a lemon and an orange are so delicious and so damn seasonal. I mean half the time when I buy a bag at Trader Joe’s I have to use them that day before they get …
Have you ever been a breakfast hostage? Well, let me tell you, I have. And at that moment, when I was starving, and forced to not have breakfast until noon, I would have done anything for this healthy detox smoothie. Of course, on that particular day, on the highways of southern India, instead of slurping …
It’s not very often that I say the words “These bugs are Alaska bad” The last time I screamed those words at a desolate wilderness was a few months ago as I ran from an angry swarm of mosquitoes straight up the hill towards Valentine Lake Trailhead. It was exhausting as I pushed my body …