From last weeks blogs; adventures in San Diego…. Last night was the best night of “work” ever. My best friend and I have been staying in a comped room at the Marriott for four days. In this time we have not paid for a Mai Tai or a Pina Colada or a glorious …
I don’t want to admit its autumn, I mean its not even the last week of August yet! But a certain fall like chill is in the air and the ferns are already turning from a deep green to a gold as I run my mountain trails this morning. I love the morning …
I put this little red sticker on my drivers license when I was 18 years old. I was so young; I was still a kid. Putting a red donar sticker on a drivers license meant nothing yet. Every day my life revolved around choir and drama practice after school and building sets and hanging lights. …
Its weird being a small town girl visiting a big city. Even if that “big city” I only three million people (As far as big cities go, not really that big) I’m not going to say I dislike it; I mean I enjoy being able to walk places. I like the idea …
Working nights means I see a lot of crazy shit. Like the customer who threatened my life a few nights ago ( he had just got out of jail! You would think Mr Crazy Pants would not want to go back there right away!) I live in a rural mountain community thirty minutes from …