I had exactly an hour and a half to run today before meeting friends for happy hour and market night in the valley below the forest. Sounded like the perfect night to go for a run and explore the San Gorgonio Wilderness for the first time!I managed to get off work at three o clock …
I gave in today and bought a Go Girl. Camping at the beach was the last straw. After having to get up to walk to the beach bathroom four times last night when I finally pulled myself from my warm sleeping bag at dawn and gave up on sleep the first thing I did was …
Here we have the majestic ding dong. You may find her out on walkabout in the San Bernardino National Forest in the Cougars Crest Trail area. The wild ding dong is terrified of PCT through hikers and their ginormous backpacks and will run three miles in the opposites direction if she spots one coming up …
Thank You Ojai The good thing about Ojai is it prepared me for India. Don’t get me wrong, it was such an unbelievably beautiful place as I drove down the mountain pass and into the crop filled rolling hills of Ojai, California on a late spring day. It was unbelievably beautiful. I was trying to …
My lips were chapped. It was serious. It was bed time and I was going to bed, sleeping on the couch of a friends who has three young children. I personally absolutely can not sleep without Chapstick on my lips. On top of that, my sunburnt lips were already hurting and I was in desperate …