The worst feeling in the world is when the tent starts to leak. You were laying there in your sleeping bag, you just want to relax and fall asleep in your nice cozy sleeping bag and on the side of the tent you can feel water seeping in. It might just be a little bit, it may just be …
Once upon a time I heard the snap of a twig in the middle of the night and I wondered what could that be. And then I tried to go back to sleep. My friend who I was camping with shook me awake and said “It’s a fucking bear!” To which I sleepily replied “Youre …
Today I went for a hike in a swamp. I did not mean to spend my morning digging my fishermen shoes out of a foots worth of mud and chasing the dogs through the swamps of Big Bear buts sometimes the best laid plans go all funky on you. Grout Bay used to be one …
This morning while zigzagging up the PCH on my way to Big Sur I passed people older than my parents who are biking up this route, every inch of it straining uphill. These people blew me away. I am in incredible shape, and I’m not even in the kind of shape I was a year ago when …
If there is one thing I love more than the ponies it is cheese. This may only be a funny story if you are a horse racing fan or (and) have had it up to here with technology. Or if you really, really like cheese. Tonight a Siegel stole my cheese. According to iPhone voice …