Dear California, From the Pacific Ocean to the snowy slopes of Lake Tahoe you have really done it this time. No I’m not here today to complain about your crowded freeways and how much I hate the 405. I’m here today to bitch and moan and whine about all the idiots who voted yes on …
I’m extremely frustrated in the last week or so with how entitled young Americans are. Instead of attending school they protest on freeways and burn flags. Dear UCLA Students, You are supposed to be the smartest college students in the country. Don’t play on the freeway! And it’s ironic to see them having a temper …
In honor of election day 2016 I spent the morning hiking and then acting like a lesbian couple having a fight with a good friend. Tabitha and I parked at the Onyx Summit PCT jump off point in the still chilly early morning hours. It’s always chilly in the fall at almost 8,000 feet. I’m …
I may have been in the forest to long when I find myself saying, “Beer me!” To my dog. Yes, well, eight days of camping and talking to almost no one but my dog can do that to a girl. It’s probably going to be a fantastic sunset tonight because fire, yea. There appears to …
If there is one thing I love it is thunderstorms. I do not however love them when we are six miles from the car, running down the trail in my Merril hiking boots as the unpredicted thunderstorm is rolling in unbelievably fast. The problem with this particular thunderstorm is our tent set up back at …