Mornings in the eastern sierras like this one are a great stress reliever. When I feel like the realities of life (And living a life where Donald Trump, a reality t.v. star will be president; just putting that into words still feels like science fiction!) are starting to get to me, hiking fifteen miles through …
Fall leaves crunch under my toes and every where all I see reds, oranges and yellows. I live in the mountains above the valley of San Bernardino, California and every day I feel blessed to be here. In the valley below you would not even know that it’s fall. It’s over a …
It’s taken me years to get a chance to really explore the Bridgeport/ Twin Lakes area but in twenty-four hours I think I did it all. I did not however bake a batch of this ridiculous good coconut bread today but that can wait until I’m back from vacation in a week. Back to Bridgeport. …
I was literally sitting in my campground just now cursing the rude people who started their generator at six a.m. I had just destroyed some firewood with an ax and yes maybe I had a beer or two. It’s been a highly stressful day. The Hungry Mountaineer needed a hop filled beverage to make her …
In a world where we can’t get a minutes rest from the noise of Fox News, CNN, Donald Trump and Hillary sometimes it’s nice to just sit in a silent forest and just be. At 10,000 feet you don’t even hear birds in the tall limber pines. Sometimes I hear a bee or the roar …