My mom is a wonderful cook. She is also a complete food snob who loves the Olive Garden and only drinks Folgers Coffee. Do you look puzzled right now? I‘ve been her daughter for thirty-seven years and yeah, I don’t get it either. Yes, she has her quirks. Although she insists on enjoying the cheapest …
Jetlag. It is no joke. I’ve done a good amount of traveling in my life and I’ve never suffered from jetlag before this last week. I don’t even know how to explain how tired I’ve been the last two days. Luckily we had nothing but snow the last two days and I had two days to rest …
I never imagined I would be the kind of camper who would ever “camp” in an RV, even though I knew it was a much better deal than camping in a tent (at least you can get things like caravan wifi boosters for an RV). That was before my boyfriend decided that RVing was for …
Its week two and I’m still highly addicted to protein bowls. Yes, hello, my name is Amber, the Hungry Mountaineer, climber of mountains, inhaler of goat cheese, and I’m crazy for a healthy veggie filled protein bowl of goodness. Do you like healthy, easy breakfasts, lunches and dinners chock full of brown rice, black beans, avocado, …
Let me make one thing clear. I hike up mountains so I can eat brownies. And also because I love nature and mountains and okay maybe this little ding dong. When you live in a sunny southern California resort town snow days are few and far between. I don’t think I’m the only Big Bear, …