After I’ve spent the day trekking up a fourteen-footer treacherous mountain, man, am I craving a hard-boiled duck egg or maybe a healthy Banana Gluten-Free Breakfast Muffin! As a health-conscious hiker, I know I deserve a tasty treat and I want it to be filling, delicious and have the nutrition to power my body all …
“As it lay there with the shadows of the mountains brilliantly photographed upon its still surface, I thought it must surely be the fairest picture the whole earth affords.” -Mark Twain Mark Twain had obviously never traveled to Lake Tahoe on a holiday weekend. The trick to enjoying the beauty of Lake Tahoe during a …
If you don’t start your birthday by puking in public you are just not having a good time. Right? That may be what I told myself as I froze my ass off at the top of a fourteen-hundred-foot mountain yesterday. Maybe I was just trying to distract myself from the biting wind chill in my …
It’s summertime here in the mountains of southern California. As I spent these few months training to climb the tallest mountain in the continental United States, Mt Whitney, you had better believe that I spent a lot of time sweating. Most days the pup and I try to go for at least a five-mile run/hike. …
As much as we all love the call of the great outdoors, oh the joys of having indoor motorhome plumbing can lead to some odors. Spending your life hiking up mountains, mountain biking along alpine streams, cuddling with your smelly adventure dog can make for smelly campers by the evening back at camp. In between …