Here it is January 2025 and who can afford to buy steak, chicken or eggs, especially here in California? Our groceries are at an all-time high here in Southern California. Luckily you can create this easy South Indian Curry with simple inexpensive ingredients like ground goat, spices, potatoes and onions. Our family has taken to …
It can be a happy holiday once again with these healthy homemade Sourdough Sweet Potato Chapatis! Although nothing says Happy Thanksgiving like a mongrel Chihuahua wandering into your garage for an early morning pee. At least when you live in a ski town, yup some tourists are just constantly missing a little dog that’s gone …
I have to spend my days out under the changing fall leaves of the national forest because the world we live in today brings me a lot of anguish. As a conservative Republican woman, I am always wrong. It doesn’t matter what I believe in. I’m wrong. Plain and simple. Oh, so you think the …
We were cruising down Highway 99 towards Delhi in our thirty-four-foot caravan. It was one hundred and five degrees outside the doors of our Fleetwood rig as we approached Delhi. Delhi? Did I read that right? (Insert Indian nod here) The Indian food lover in me was intrigued. The sweaty camper in me was hot …
If you want to go to a place to resurrect your life and feel a-new again then the Eastern Sierra Mountains are that place. The jagged peaks and stunning wilderness Ansel Adams photographed and John Muir wrote essays about have a special place in my heart. I spend as much time as I can every …