I’m sitting on a piece of flat granite in a silent morning forest. This granite rock is the perfect shape for my butt and my butt needs a break. I’m going to run 13.1 miles today. I’m going to run a half marathon distance for the first time in my life. I’m at mile …
This one time, some where in Brittan, a passport agent yelled at me “Take off that ridiculous hat!” And it began; my love affair with hats so crazy that they inspired anger in government officials. I had bought the wool hat a few days prior in our shopping excursion to Nottinghill. It was a warm wool winters …
Last week I complained about the spectacular heat while I was running at Manzanita Flats and it was only seventy five degrees at the time. Since then the temperatures have soared to near one hundred degrees. Its been hot; I’ve complained… alot. The other night driving home from work at midnight I saw some …
You know what pisses me off almost as much as rattle snakes? People who put fake plastic snakes in the middle of trails. Not funny. Not funny even if your a twelve year old boy. No one will be laughing when I almost have a heart attack jumping over a fake plastic snake on …
I thought I was accomplishing things today. And then my garbage disposal fell out of the sink. Great, that means time to get on the phone with one of the most popular Plumbers in Highlands Ranch. Johnny was over helping me assemble the book shelf that I had just bought, plus I had just taken …