It’s been a long time since I limped around like an old donkey yet here I am again. I’ve decided to find my inner trail runner. She’s in here somewhere, hidden away for years between so much work, a new hobby of sourdough bread baking and betting on the ponies. This old donkey really needed a keto margarita by happy hour this evening.
If it’s the Fourth of July, what says God bless America more than a keto margarita?

Here it is early July 2024 and I think the long-lost trail runner in me is coming out to play. And that meant yesterday running over six miles on one of the rockiest sections of trail in all of Big Bear Lake. Yes, there were fields of shale. Yes, I got a little lost and I had to scramble down a rocky mountainside. Yes, my plantar fasciitis is killing me today. Yes, I should have purchased new running shoes last week! I’ve got less than two months until we attempt to summit Mt Whitney again as a day hike and those twenty-four miles of trail are really right around the corner.
After I ran six miles today it was time to come home and tackle springtime home improvement projects like staining the pergola. That led to the happy hour question of just how the hell does one get stain out of their hair? I asked my construction worker brother and he told me his hair is stain colored so he does not worry about it. That is not helpful advice, bro. I decided to make myself a low-sugar keto margarita and ponder my options.
After I slow danced with my twenty-one-year-old Norwegian Forest Cat to the Bee-Gees I decided the only real option was a haircut. Yes, sugar-free keto margaritas might have been involved in this decision. Perhaps I should stick to my day job and by that, I mean leading hiking tours and training to conquer the big W.

What does the Fourth of July mean to me? It means celebrating loving life in this amazing country we are blessed to call home. And yes, to me in the summertime months, that may mean sipping on a keto margarita in my blow-up pool in the backyard like a redneck after a hard day’s work. When it gets to be eighty-five degrees in our ski town in the summertime we consider that hot. Sure, some days the pup and I will go jump in the lake after a five-mile morning run. But sometimes I have to hurry home to clean up that days layer of pine pollen that sits like a yellow cloak on absolutely everything during that first week in July. Or possibly work in the garden, weeding dandelions, planting Dinosaur kale seeds and
the peach tree before the front yard gets super hot and all in the sun. Then it’s time for the puppy and I to relax in the pool with a Keto margarita!
Keto AF Margarita Mix
15 juiced Mexican limes
Juice of 1 Meyer lemon
1/4 cup water
2 teaspoons powdered monk fruit
Lots of ice
Shots, shots, shots of your favorite Blanco Tequila (I use Don Julio)
Heat the water on the stovetop and add the monkfruit just until the sugar is resolved. Let this keto simple syrup cool back down to room temperature. Mix in the fruit juices and preserve it in the fridge in sealed mason jars. When you are ready to prepare your keto margarita, serve over ice and your favorite tequila.