When I was a teenager I was not a rebel. I was in Choir and drama. I loved horse racing and since we lived two hours from the closest race track and my parents worked full time I was stuck watching it on T.V. Between these things and school, I had no time to revolt. Until …
I feel like we are in the wild, wild west, yet some how I am still technically in Southern California just a few hours south of Los Angeles. We drove two hours south east of the sprawling suburbia and consumerism that engulfs Southern California. No joke; I have not seen a Target or a Bed …
It’s day ten week two of not having a working computer. I think I am going to make it. I can see the end in sight. On Saturday I will be buying a new lap top and it will be no more blogging on my Iphone or at the library. …
When I was a kid I loved to bake at a young age. This despite the fact that one time I substituted salt for sugar in the cookies and added a quarter cup salt and a teaspoon sugar. My mom loves to tell that story. Maybe she shouldn’t have let …
Yesterday I ran up a mountain five thousand feet. My feet, hips and back are aching today and I deserve some chocolate cheese stuffed French toast, damn it! The road to the top of San Gorgonio yesterday was paved with snow, ice and desire to make it to the …