We should be counting our blessings that here we are in California on a seventy three degree February day. We should be hiking in snow shoes instead of shorts. I really, really wish we had some snow Usually February is a time when few people go hiking at San Gorgonio and the ones that …
Even though my legs and butt are killing me from working out two days ago, I still managed to run nine miles today. How did I manage to pull my exhausted legs up and down nine miles worth of hills, over 2,400 feet of altitude gain? Marcona almonds. These delicious almonds are such …
I love driving in the mountains. There is nothing like driving fast in my Subaru on curving winding mountain roads with some good music blaring out the speakers, sun roof open, windows down, and the smell of the mountain pines all around me. I do not, however enjoy following people ALL THE WAY to …
It’s February 12 2014 and I just spent half an hour sun bathing in a sports bra at 4,500 feet. No this is not the fantasy of some one living in snowy Michigan right now. This is southern California and yes I feel blessed to be a tan Californian sunning myself like …
Ten minutes ago I was thinking of trading my Subaru in for a Jeep. That was ten minutes before we almost died on Cemetery Road. As tempting as a Jeep may sound, I know the sad truth; I can not own a fancy Jeep because I know from past experiences that I would just …