I was doing my morning run at Holcomb Valley this morning when I crossed paths with a pair of gorgeous coyotes. Their red coats shined auburn against the white snow as they trotted up the road and across into the brush near me. I whipped out my camera as fast as I …
The weather the last few days in the Sierras has been all over the place. We wake up snuggled in sleeping bags in freezing cold tents covered in frost. By the time the sun is rising over the hills it’s in the mid seventies. Because this is camping of …
Trout love Velveeta and I love trout Day two of our sierras getaway saw the sun setting over Silver Lake and the fishes nibbling on Velveeta cheese. I obviously was not going to part with my precious goat cheese to share it with some delicious rainbows. Nature and all the fauna in the …
Every great first day of vacation should start with fishing at an alpine stream Every great second day of vacation has to begin with branding either your gear or a body part with a forever reminder of that one hiking/ camping/ fishing you took back in the day. For me the first day …
“Go eat a fish ass hole!” Little did I know the furry masked bandit I was yelling at in the camp at three a.m. was the least of our problems as I wrestled the bag of tortilla chips away from him and headed back to my tent that had been slight warm ten …