I feel like Lucille Austero from Arrested Development. Vertigo is so fucking weird. Its hard to explain to some one who has never had it. At first its fun. The room spins a little and honestly you feel a little drunk, weee! Than three hours later you are puking none stop, you fall off the toilet …
There are so many awesome places in Southern California to swim, fish and hike. Lake Perris is not one of them. To get to Lake Perris you drove through a place called the Badlands. Seriously, is this a fucking Stephen King movie? …
Every time I almost swallow a bug I remember that it’s spring time. Every time I leave the house at seven a.m. for a five mile run in the hot, hot May sun I almost always forget my mosquito net for my face. I than spend most of my sweaty, …
My dad is famous for bringing home “treasures” he finds on the sides of the interstate. He works as a long haul trucker and this affords him the chance to pick up peaches fresh from Georgia in the spring and New Mexico Hatch Chilies whenever he drives through the …
A good friend offers to check your ass for leeches before you even ask. A better friend would probably warn her nature sensitive friends before they go crashing down the natural granite water slide into the chilly creek waters blow that yes there are leeches here and yes you may be picking them …