The Story of Us ( Fish Edition)

My boyfriend and I have this tradition where every two years we have a great day of fishing.100_0444

It all started on our first date ( two years ago) when I pulled the most massive trout he had ever seen out of Big Bear Lake. He knew right then that I was a keeper ( As was the fish)

Last week while on our eastern sierras vacation we had the most truly magical day fishing ever. We were literally pulling in rainbow and golden wild trout with every cast. It was like something out of a movie. It was amazing.

I don’t know how we are going to better this day of fishing two years from now but we might have to try fishing in Alaska if we want to one up this day!

After a week in the sierras of living the smelly camper life we were ripe and ready to return home to our menagerie of beasts. (This was a pet free camping trip, unlike the next camping trip later in the month when the pup and I plan on hiking at least ten miles a day)

We returned home to  a cat who insists on not living with us anymore and now goes on walk about almost every day to the neighbor’s house. That’s where he sits on their porch and howls because he is lost. To be fair, the neighbor’s house is the exact log style as ours and from the front porch the two houses do look very similar, especially when you are a kitty cat)

Which is not as bad as the other cat, I guess who is currently playing with the largest dead insect I have ever seen. It died in the yard last night and my boyfriend gave it to her as a toy, which seem cute at first but now she has been carrying it all around the house in her mouth for two days and leaving pieces of insect all over the house.

This is what we get for leaving all the animals alone to become feral in a week!