That Unplowed Road

     I totally had my heart set on doing a four mile pavement run this morning.
    I found out the other day that about three miles of my upcoming race in March are on the pavement so I need to get my calves in better shape for the pavement running which has been harder on me in the last few months. I think during the summer I just did way more trail runs and less street running. It’s so funny that I can run twelve miles up a mountain, not be sore at all but some days running a mile on pavement will have my calves aching.
    I tried to run four miles on the pavement at Keller’s Peak.
    It started out okay. I parked at the locked gate on the icy road at the bottom of the peak. The road was plowed, mostly defrosted with a few ice spots along the way.
    It has finally warmed up a little here and it is actually fifty degrees this week! It is warm enough to sit out on my porch in the sunshine! This makes me so happy! The frozen cats were very happy too, well until some douche drove up my dry street going forty miles per hour, with chains on his tires, throwing up sparks, dirt and gravel. The cats have been hiding since that racket. Seems they are afraid of ass holes.
    Fifty degrees means today I went running in the snow in shorts and a tank top.
    Well, the road did start out dry pavement.  
    That was the first mile.
    And suddenly the road was no longer plowed, it was all snow with some tire tracks from a four wheel drive truck running through the fresh snow.
   So much for my pavement work out, but I always feel like running in snow must use different muscles so that is good too, right?
   I did manage to get in a 4.4 mile run and it was so nice running the empty roads of Keller’s Peak with no loose angry dogs snarling and trying to attack me (Yesterday) or rednecks driving by blaring Linkin Park from their beat to hell pickup truck. (The day before)
  It so feels like almost Spring.