Thank God for Super Glue

The following is a real conversation RING RING   
    “Dad?” Do you have any super glue?    
    “Yeah… How much do you need?”    
    “Ummm… Enough to glue my thumb back on”    
    “Maybe you should just go to Urgent Care?”    
    “Well I hit my head also. Do you think if I get enough stitches they will throw in the concussion check for free?”
      Keep in mind as I’m writing this I’m trying not to get blood on the key board. I have no band aids so I used tissue and packing tape to make a huge make shift band aid for what is left of my thumb.
   I hate going to the doctor, I hate waiting and I hate Urgent Care. I really hate being around sick people but this all happened yesterday and my thumb is still throbbing with pain even after I super glued it back together.
   I did not sleep at all last night, my thumb was throbbing so bad all night. I should have just taken a Vicodin and knocked myself out, regretting that now. Seriously, is it normal for a finger to hurt this much from a cut?
    This month I’m doing this thirty days of blogging challenge, does that explains why some days I blog the most random things?
NaBloPoMo November 2012

    And this is the most interesting thing that happened to me today… Enjoy!
    It is completely ridiculous that my Dad acted like it was a big deal me going to the doctor as I can remember him cutting himself so many times BAD when I was a kid and did he go to the doctor for stitches?
    I’m surprised he did not offer to stitch up my thumb himself!
  I remember one time it was snowing and I was helping him change the blades on the wind shield wiper on my parents old Ford Explorer.
   For some reason that I don’t quite understand my Dad was using a box cutter for this endeavor.
   He was also talking to our neighbor, Mark at the same time.
   At some point he cut his hand open and bright red blood was going EVERY WHERE in the snow, but he acted like nothing happened and said bye to Mark and just went back inside the house with me, where he probably super glued himself back together or sewed it up himself. I don’t remember which. I just remember it was so obvious, I mean he was bleeding every where, that he had cut himself bad, and he just acted like nothing had happened.
   This was just a normal day in my life growing up.
   This is also why you don’t use box cutters to change a wind shield wiper blade.


  1. Kiki

    I read this as you fully cutting off your thumb and then when you said you actually glued it back on I was horrified. But you are not a zombie–you just had a cut. Right? This is hilarious and glad you’re ok.

  2. Larks

    Glad you’re okay. I’m always reluctant to go to Urgent Care or any kind of medical thing, for that matter, too. The bill always take years off my life so I feel like I have to be really. freaking. sick. to justify putting myself and my bank account through that.

  3. opinion8dhermit

    So what happened and do you need stitches? Feel better!
    Yeah my dad band sawed his finger off completely and didn’t want to go to the doctor. Finally my mom forced him to go and by then the nerve damage was done. Plus he is a pissed off patient so it got reattached crooked and without feeling. He also refused to go to the hospital after his heart attack. After his 2nd one, during which he was at a shooting conpetition, he finished his set and the fellow shooters called the ambulance for him.
    So I laughed about your dad cause I understand.

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