Is that a Nipple?

   This is a post about cats and not a post about embarrassing beach incidents, just to clarify.
   Because obviously I never have embarrassing beach incidents or embarrass myself publicly in other ways, like hugging used car salesmen, when clearly they are going in for a hand shake.
   But back to the cats.
   My gray cat Sierra has issues.
   He is a little Neurotic or he has food allergies or maybe he’s gluten intolerant, I really have no idea but he has had skin problems for years. Handing money over to the vet so he can get a Cortisone shot and stop scratching his bloody head has been something I have grown accustomed to.
   Now he has a scab on his stomach that seems to just be growing bigger instead of healing. I keep covering this area in Neopsporin, which Sierra licks off, because apparently Neosporin to a cat is a tasty, tasty treat. Seriously, every time I bath Sierra in Neosporin, his brother Zion is watching me like a hawk ready to have a mediciny snack courtesy of his bros bloody face. This area of Sierra’s body is not looking any better so today he gets to howl at me for thirty minutes (Each way) while I drive his furry ass to the vet.
   Last night I started freaking out when I realized Sierra has another scabby thing on his belly. Crap. What the hell is wrong with my feline?
   Sierra has long grey fur and its really hard to locate these scabby things in all that fur. So I have no idea how long the second one has been in there or how big it is. Today I actually rooted around in all that fur until I found his actual skin and discovered what I thought was a scabby growth…. Is actually a nipple.
   I’m so glad I realized this before I took him to the vet to have his large male nipples examined. That might have been awkward.
   He is still going to the vet in an hour for the first skin problem scabby area BTW.