Fried Ravilios with Curried Butternut Squash and Goat Cheese

     I fell so hard when I was hiking a few weeks back. 
     I had thought for sure that I had broke my ankle.
    As I sat in Urgent Care waiting to see a doctor I mused over how many times I have been hurt and yet I never break bones.  
    This fall I had taken on that day had been very bad and I honestly had no idea how I did not break my ankle considering I do not drink milk, like at all, never.
    My body must be so calcium starved yet my bones seem to be pretty damn strong.
    I have come to the relation that it must be all the goat cheese I eat pumping my body full of calcium.
    Goat cheese is full of calcium right?

Fried Raviolis with Curried Butternut Squash and Goat Cheese

1 1/2 cup Butternut squash, peeled and cubed
1 tab curry powder
1/2 cup goat cheese
2 tab brown sugar
1 tab chili powder
2 tab almond meal
Wonton wrappers
1 egg
1 cup coconut oil

Wrap the butternut squash pieces in saran wrap with a tab of water and steam in the microwave about 6-10 minutes until tender.
Let cool slightly, than mash the squash with the curry powder, chili powder and brown sugar.
Lay out the wonton wrappers.
Beat the egg, and have it ready to go with a pastry brush.
Brush each wonton wrapper with the egg wash. Put a tablespoon of squash on each wrapper, than add a dollop of goat cheese. Fold the wrappers and seal.
Put more egg wash on outside, than dredge in almond meal.
Fry each wonton in coconut oil, each side, until brown.